Pater Pandoson wrote:
> Hello
> My jsp pages work fine but when I try to use beans I get this
>  2001-03-01 12:10:19 - Ctx(  ): Exception in: R(  + /test.jsp + null) -
> javax.servlet.ServletException: try to access class NormalizeText from
> class _0002ftest_0002ejsptest_jsp_4
>         at
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(

............... snip

> The bean is in the classes dir and compled fine

> and the jsp page looks like this
> <jsp:useBean id="TN" scope="session" class="NormalizeText" />
> <jsp:setProperty name="TN" property="text" value="what is the prob?" />
> So can any one tell me what I am doing wrong.
> Thanks.

You need to put your bean in a package and specify the package
completely in the useBean tag.  Apparently, when Tomcat sees
the kind of usage you show, it assumes that the class is in the
"current" directory.

Java Cert mock exams
Author of Java Developer's Guide to Servlets and JSP 
ISBN 0-7821-2809-2

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