I have some questions regarding the use of mod_ssl with Apache and Tomcat.
The onlie docs don't go into great detail about configuration, so hopefuly
someone here has more clue than I.

In the online docs, the author recommends putting the mod_jk directives
under the SSL port 443 virtual host seciotn in httpd.conf.  In doing this,
though, does this put everything in my configured context under SSL?  If I
only want specific documents using SSL, but have the rest of the URLs on
the server accessible without requiring SSL, should I do my JkMount
directives outside the SSL virtual host section, and just use directory by
directory or file-based directives inside the SSL section?  Is it possible
to use .htaccess files with the SSL directives for JSP files?

Thanks in advance for any help...

-- Brett
God is real, unless declared integer.

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