Hello, all !

I've got a really strange problem that is probably caused by my eyesight. I followed the JNDI Real HowTo on the Jakarta site, and I setup the necessary LDIF file and put the necessary entries inside server.xml. After struggling with various typo errors and configuration mistakes (I was having a migraine at the time), I finally got Tomcat to authenticate with my OpenLDAP server. The trouble is, it cannot find the role, so I always get kicked out with an authorization error.

This is the error I am getting when I try to login to the Tomcat Web Administration page :

2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: lookupUser(tcadmin)
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: dn=uid=tcadmin,ou=people,o=cymulacrum
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: validating credentials by binding as the user
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: binding as uid=tcadmin,ou=people,o=cymulacrum
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: Username tcadmin successfully authenticated
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: getRoles(uid=tcadmin,ou=people,o=cymulacrum)
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: Searching role base 'ou=groups,o=cymulacrum' for attribute 'cn'
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: With filter expression '\28uniqueMember=uid=tcadmin,ou=people,o=cymulacrum\29'
2004-03-25 20:42:53 JNDIRealm[Catalina]: Returning 0 roles

My LDIF file only has entries for Tomcat administrator and Tomcat Manager :

=== Begin LDIF file ===
# Define top-level entry
dn: o=cymulacrum
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
o: cymulacrum
description: Cymulacrum directory

# Define an entry to contain people
dn: ou=people,o=cymulacrum
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

# Define an entry for Tomcat Administrator
dn: uid=tcadmin,ou=people,o=cymulacrum
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: tcadmin
sn: Administrator
cn: Tomcat Administrator
userPassword: tcsecret

# Define an entry for Tomcat Manager
dn: uid=tcmgr,ou=people,o=cymulacrum
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: tcmgr
sn: Manager
cn: Tomcat Manager

=== End LDIF file ===

My Realm definition is inside server.xml, and it looks like this:

<!-- Cymulacrum JNDI Realm -->

     <Realm   className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"

What am I doing wrong ?

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal
| Pascal Chong |
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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