Yes, I have the same problem.

After you login with a correct user, but the wrong role you have a application problem.
With Form based Auth the only way out is:
invalidate the session at your error page, or let do that the user.

With Basic, Digest the only way is that the user cancel the browser.


Simone - Dev schrieb:

Hello All,
I've a strange problem using the form login coupled with JDBCRealm.

This the web.xml I'm using

     <display-name>Example Security Constraint</display-name>
        <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>

<!-- Default login configuration uses form-based authentication -->
<realm-name>Example Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>
<description>An administrator</description>

The strange behaveur is that if I logon using a completely wrong user (either user or password invalid) I get redirected to the error.jsp page but if I type in a user that has not the "manager" role I get redirected to the originally requested page (/protected/index.jsp) but then get a 403 error (Access denied)

Can't get to solve this...

Thank you


Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
"Life is short, play hard"

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