On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 09:44:23AM -0800, Neil MacMillan wrote:
: Hi all, I'm trying to gather all the information I can about pros/cons of
: migrating  10-15 servers from tomcat4 to tomcat5.  I have been unsuccessful in
: finding some good performance comparisons, and major feature differences
: between the two (major)versions.  Can anyone provide some links/docs for
: this?

Jokes aside, have you checked the release docs?  I don't have
the exact URL but they're on the website.

just a few TC5 new features/improvements that come to mind:
- support for servlet spec 2.4 and JSP spec 2.0
- clustering
- improved manager app (IIRC)

Unless you see some total whiz-bang feature that you've been
craving, then it's a matter of deciding whether you want to 
upgrade just for the heck of it, or to be running the latest
version. (-and that's not necessarily a bad thing.)



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