On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 12:02:40PM +0200, Malcolm Warren wrote:
: Jrun gave an additional security possibility that I am unable to extend to 
: Tomcat. In Jrun you do not need to place your .jsp files, nor the 
: automatically generated .java files on your production server. I could 
: simply .jar up the automatically generated .class files and place the .jar 
: file in the /WEB-INF/jsp folder on the production server.

Tomcat does something similar:

- As one poster already mentioned, keep all of your jar files in

- make sure the JSPs are mapped to servlet paths in WEB-INF/web.xml.

(I'm out on a limb here, but it sounds as if Jrun automagically loads
your JSP jar file and creates the mappings for you.)

If the latter sounds like a pain in the rear, there are Ant tasks to do
the precompilation for you and generate the web.xml snippet.

: If I create a .war file for the production server then the .war file 
: contains no compiled .jsps, just the original .jsp files - is that right?

Not true.  The war file contains whatever you put in it.  JSPs, images,
jars, whatever.



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