Iam having problem in setting my application running in Tomcat 4.1

The applications directory is situated at

This is the only place that my pages are visible to the server.

My class files are situated at


The html pages in the directory /Tomcat4.1/webapps/ROOT/myapplication/ are
visible to the server but my class files

are not. I have tried everthing. The web.xml file is kept in the directory

and the web.xml file goes like: 
















Where the GetInput in the servlet-name.


The HTML page that calls the servlet has the following syntax for the POST


<form method="POST" action="GetInput">


I have also added to the environment variables of my OS, the following:


CATALINA_HOME=E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1

TOMCAT_HOME=E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1

But to no difference


Even after all this I get the 404 error: the required source was not found.

I would by very thankful to anyone who can find what I have missed and help
me out.




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