Have you considered using the HttpSession ID as the key for the hashtable instead? I 
forget if the httpsession id implementation has changed or not. Even though the 
session ID is not guaranteed to be unique, it practically is unique if user sessions 
are relatively short and don't last hours or days.
your other option is to generate an absolutely unique key and set it in the 
HttpSession, and use your unique key for the map. I'm sure there are other options.

"Angelov, Rossen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, the login requirements are not that simple to explain in few lines.
Some pages require authentication some don't, so it won't be appropriate to
do this when the HttpSession is first started. ThreadLocal is used to
identify the current thread (assuming that's for the current request) to get
the request parameters and create a hashtable for caching purpose (this was
done to speed up the registration process where over 30 demographic fields
are passed between pages). The same logic is used when logging in or
uploading a file with MultipartRequest.

The applications were originally created 2-3 years ago to work on iPlanet
and now I'm trying move them to Tomcat but it looks like there will be lot
of problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:21 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Threads in Tomcat 5

why do you want to use a thread to manage authentication? given the
requestProcessor threads are reused, it makes no sense to use the thread for
the mapping.

you're better off just authenticating the first time and setting the
HttpSession, rather than look up the thread. I'm probably missing something.


"Angelov, Rossen" wrote:

I'm trying to understand how exactly Tomcat 5 is organized to work with
threads. Is there any documentation on how the connector is using the
threads? What happens in the thread pool, how exactly the are threads picked
from the pool and what is their state? And what happens with the released

Our login application is having problems when retrieving data from the
requests. I was debugging the process by printing out the current thread
name and the request parameter values. 

Everything works fine when there is a different thread assigned to each
request 1
current thread: http8080-Processor25
request 2
current thread: http8080-Processor23
request 3
current thread: http8080-Processor22

When an old thread is used for the new request, things don't work (usually
the wrong parameter values are returned) and the debug output looks like
request 1
current thread: http8080-Processor25
request 2
current thread: http8080-Processor23
request 3
current thread: http8080-Processor25

Our application uses ThreadLocal to create a Hashtable with the current
request parameters as a cache storage. Very often the same thread is used
for more than one requests, the parameter values are retrieved from the
cache instead of using the new values. This completely breaks the logic and
the login process fails.


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