> > I've just got my serlevt working as an RMI client. To do this I had to
> > the tomcat.policy file to give all permissions to everything, and use
> > rmiSecurityManager. See my earlier posts for more info....
> So it is impossible to publish such a servlet without affecting base
> Tomcat configuration, isn't it? That's pity:(
> And I am not sure I want to give AllPermissions. Did you try to refine
> the permissions?
> Sergey
I had to get on with the servlets, so I haven't started refining
permissions. Someone said that perhaps the securtity exception was being
thrown by tomcats codebase, but this has all-permissions granted. I've not
carried out and in-depth test yet to see if there is something wrong with
the handling of the policy file by tomcat, or if its something I've done.
One of the guys at work has done allot of work with security stuff, so next
week he'll take a look - I'll let you know what happens.


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