Flavio Tordini wrote:
hi all,
i'm creating a jspx file from an xhtml template. the xhtml contains html entities such as ì

Hi, Flavio
I've also experienced this problem. The solution is to use &amp;igrave; in your XML-formatted JSP page. You may also find a very funny thing with ampersands in URL passed by <a href=""></a> (@see chapter C.12, http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801). The only solution i've found is to "flatten" this tag:
&lt;a href=&quot<c:out value="${url}" escapeXml="true"/>&quot;
I hope someone will tell me a better way to solve this issue.


Victor Anyakin (IT Spetialist) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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