
I like to implement my own Realm based on the JDBCRealm provided by Tomcat. I 
currently use Tomcat 5.0.19, Eclipse 3M7 is my IDE (together with MyEclipseIDE).

To implement my own Realm I like to derive my class from 

Eclipse throws an error saying that it cannot resolve 
javax.management.MBeanRegistration. I cannot find this class at all. Searching on 
java.sun.com showed me, that the package javax.management.* is part of J2EE 1.4.

Could anybody tell me, what I need to do to derive something from 
org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm and what I need to include to get it working in 
either my IDE and on a production Tomcat server.

The result of my compilation is a JAR file which I like to put into tomcat's 
common/lib directory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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