On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 01:41:59AM +0200, wsedio wrote:
: What is the best way to give dedicated Tomcat instances and accomplish 
: the above aims?

I forget the URL, so search the archives and/or Tomcat docs for
"CATALINA_BASE"... There's a doc on doing just this. YMMV but it's
been nothing but wonderful for me. ;)

: How many resources (CPU/memory) does each Tomcat instace require 
: approximately?

As much as they need (CPU) and are given (mem).

You can (sort of) cap the mem by setting JVM heap sizes with -Xmx etc.
I believe the default max heap size is 64m (?128m?).

CPU is a little tougher to restrict.  It's more a game of "spot the
resource hog" and then "use the profiler."

I've found "top" and "ps" great at pinpointing the hogs in large-scale
environments. ;)



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