Jens Saade wrote:


I already sent an email named "jk2 + apache vhosts + tomcat sessions" but no response yet. Maybe I didn't describe my problem clearly enough so here is another go:

I've got an apache http 1.3.x running in front with multiple vhosts. Some of those vhosts are redirected to a single tomcat 5 instance via jk2 connector. I use these vhosts as "entry points" to the application running inside the tomcat server. They should share tomcats http session. Atm each vhost opens a new session for e.g. vhost 1-3. Is it possible to make them somehow share the same tomcat http session? Or is there a better way to achieve what I want?

apache http with | +---------+----------+-----------+---------+ vhost1 vhost2 vhost3 vhost4 vhost5 | | | | | jk2 jk2 jk2 php simple html | | | single .. tomcat .. instance with application

All those Tomcat web-apps (contexts) should/must be on matching VHosts (see <Host ...> tag for server.xml). There is no way to share a session between different contexts, unless you wish to implement something external.


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