
we´re building an Intranet application running on Tomcat 4.1.30 (Client OS is Win2K). It would be very suitable to authentificate the users against the NT Domain Controller to avoid a second login.

I searched this ML and Google but did not find very much about this theme.

There is a SourceForce Project called NTDCRealm which seems to fit our needs, but has absolutely no documentation.

Probably, we need to nest a custom NTDCRealm Tag in our WebApp context. To learn, how to do this, i searched the Tomcat documentation (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/realm-howto.html#Standard%20Realm%20Implementations)
and again, there is a gap:

"It is also possible to write your own Realm implementation, and integrate it with Tomcat 4. However, doing this is beyond the scope of this document. See (FIXME - reference to developer stuff) for more information."

Here are my questions:

Does this reference to developer stuff exist anywhere ?
Does anyone ever made the NTDCRealm to work ?
Does anyone knows another (documentatet) Implementation of NT authentification ?

Any hints, links, documents about this theme are warmly welcome.

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