I host several websites on my apache2 (2.0.49) using virtual hosts. One of the hosts I would like to forward fully to a web application deployed on tomat via Mod_JK. What I have done is the following:

Installed the webapplication in tomcat's root "/" context

Configured a worker in workers2.properties

Configured a virutal host on apache2

DocumentRoot /home/www/solms.co.za/
ServerName www.solms.co.za
ServerAlias solms.co.za *.solms.co.za solmstraining.co.za *.solmstraining.co.za
ErrorLog logs/solms.co.za-error_log
CustomLog logs/solms.co.za-access_log combined
<Location "/">
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:28009

Everything is working, except the Location directive spans all my other virtual hosts as well. A request to any of the virtual hosts is redirected to /index.jsp, which I guess comes from my web application's deployment descriptor. Direct requests to otherhost.com/index.html are still processed by apache correctly, but general request to otherhost.com are redirected to otherhost.com/index.jsp.

Ugly solution:
What I have done in the mean time is to either
-create index.jsp files which are typically copies of the index.html
-modify the webapplication to redirect to index.html

I should not have to do this as the location should only work for the virtual host in which it is configured.

Any suggestions welcome


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