The SDK was installed under the C:\Program Files directory.
The space was not quoted and broke the command line install.

Mark Schmeets wrote:

I have set up a number of Tomcat installs to run as Windows Services, but have come across one that I cannot get to work. The Windows Event log shows entries like the following:
4/14/2004 3:09:24 PM Service Control Manager Information None The Apache-Catalina service entered the stopped state.
4/14/2004 3:09:24 PM Service Control Manager Information None The Apache-Catalina service entered the running state.
4/14/2004 3:09:24 PM Service Control Manager Information None The Apache-Catalina service was successfully sent a start control.

What really puzzles me about this is that I can start the same instance through startup.bat and it runs fine in a command window. I have verified the paths in the service configuration and everything looks fine. One more funny thing is that it does not produce any log files. I have never come across a service problem that does not at least dump to a log, like stderr.

Can anyone give me any suggestions?


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