Here's my very simple test jsp:

 java.util.ResourceBundle locale_text =
java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("lang", new
<%= locale_text.getString("hello") %>

As it happens, I have no resource bundles yet... so this should throw a
Which it does.  I get a org.apache.jasper.JasperException, with a root
cause of MissingResourceException.
Now I introduce the error page:

in web.xml, at the bottom, just before web-app, I have:

my error/locale.jsp is:

<h3>Language File Error</h3>
<b>Please report the following error to (email) </b>

  Throwable t = request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception");
<%= t %>

Anyone catch the problem yet?   ;)

Anyhoo.... what this will give you is *still* a Tomcat error page.  But
this time it's a naked MissingResourceException (ie: no jasper exception
is wrapping it, the exception is not wrapped (unwrapped) ) (that was an
attempt to use lots of 'keywords').
The problem was that my locale.jsp was not compiling correctly (because
I failed to cast the Throwable).   The error page contained an error !
I thought I'd post, just so this behaviour is documented.   

duh is me.  I figured it out by calling the error page directly from the
address bar.

mike curwen                    
intermediate programmer
globally boundless

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