On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 02:37:04PM -0400, John H wrote:
: I hate to open a can of worms, but I see no other choice. Something needs to
: be done about features that appear and disappear seemingly randomly between
: versions.

This isn't a flame, so please don't take it as such:

        Products evolve.  

As noted by another poster, sometimes it's per the spec.
(SingleThreadModel, anyone?)  Other times, it's just a necessity.
(Perhaps the lead dev on a given feature no longer has the time/energy
to support it, and no one else picked up the torch.)

Even commercial products make dramatic changes between releases, some of
them not well-documented.  I've handled SunOS->Solaris, WebLogic 5->8,
etc.  Some apps had to be rebuilt, even recoded, but frustrations were
kept to a minimum when we didn't expect slam-dunk-then-Miller-Time. ;)



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