Tim, Mike,

> > If you use Apache in front with jk, could you supply two different
> > jkmount directives ?  (I'm actually asking a question, since I don't
> > know).  ;)

> No. Jk can't rewrite the request. But mod_rewrite can.
> In fact - based on the problem below - using mod_rewrite would probably be 
> the "easiest".

Aha, you have figured out what I am trying to do then, and now this
email will get a bit more complex...

I'm using Apache2 and mod_jk to connect to Tomcat. The reason I need the
webapp deployed at two different URL's in Tomcat is that I need two
different <Location> blocks in Apache to deal with two different ways of
authenticating users. 

Like you said though, I haven't found a way to do this using mod_jk,
which would be the best and simplest way to do it otherwise. 

So, I looked into mod_rewrite, and successfully managed to set it up so
that I can reach the webapp from two different URL's, and mod_rewite
then forwards to the same JkMount. However, the mod_rewrite directives
are evaluated very early in the connection process, before any
<Location> blocks are considered. This means that by the time Apache
starts thinking about which <Location> block to use, the URL has already
been rewritten, and so the same block is considered no matter which
initial URL was used by the user, effectively bypassing the extra
<Location> I wanted them to go through.

So I gave up on the mod_rewrite, and started considering if I could
deploy the same context at two different URL's in Tomcat instead, but if
anybody has a better idea which might work please speak up!

Mats Henrikson
Unix Systems Programmer
Systems Development & Support
Oxford University Computing Services

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