same problem here - still don't know how to solve it :(


> -----Oryginalna wiadomooeæ-----
> Od: Mike Slinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Wys³ano: 2 marca 2001 18:59
> Temat: JDBC Realm not triggering
> I feel like I sailed off the edge of the known universe, 
> because there isn't
> much documentation for form-based authentication using JDBC realms (at
> least, none that I could find, beyond the short 
> JDBCRealm.howto included in
> the TomCat docs).
> I am using Windows NT Server 4sp6 with JDK1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1.
> I made the following changes to server.xml:
> <!-- <RequestInterceptor 
> className="org.apache.tomcat.request.SimpleRealm"
> debug="0" /> -->
> <RequestInterceptor className="org.apache.tomcat.request.JDBCRealm"
>      debug="99"
>      driverName=""
>      connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://"
>      connectionName="secret"
>      connectionPassword="secret"
>      userTable="Users" userNameCol="userId" userCredCol="userPassword"
>      userRoleTable="UserPriv" roleNameCol="privLevel" />
> The database tables exist, exactly as shown in 
> <RequestInterceptor>, since
> mySql is case-sensitive w.r.t. table names.
> Here is a piece of my web.xml:
>   <security-constraint>
>     <web-resource-collection>
>       <web-resource-name>developer</web-resource-name>
>       <url-pattern>/pwAdmin/*</url-pattern>
>       <url-pattern>/pwModerator/*</url-pattern>
>       <url-pattern>/pwNormal/*</url-pattern>
>       <url-pattern>/pwPortal/*</url-pattern>
>       <url-pattern>/pwTest/*</url-pattern>
>       <http-method>get</http-method>
>       <http-method>post</http-method>
>     </web-resource-collection>
>     <auth-constraint>
>       <role-name>developer</role-name>
>     </auth-constraint>
>     <user-data-constraint>
>       <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee>
>     </user-data-constraint>
>   </security-constraint>
>   <login-config>
>     <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
>     <realm-name>JDBC</realm-name>
>     <form-login-config>
>       <form-login-page>/index.html</form-login-page>
>       <form-error-page>/register.jsp</form-error-page>
>     </form-login-config>
>   </login-config>
>   <security-role>
>     <role-name>developer</role-name>
>   </security-role>
> Here is the authentication form:
> <form method="POST" action="j_security_check">
>    Login id: <input type="text" name="j_username" size="8"
> class=formStyle><br>
>    Password: <input type="password" name="j_password" size="8"
> class=formStyle><br>
>              <input type="submit" value="  Log In  " name="LogIn"
> class=formStyle>
> </form>
> When I press the submit button, I get the following error:
> HTTP 404 - File not found
> The url reported is http://localhost:8080/j_security_check
> Somehow the form action is not being picked up by the TomCat security
> mechanism.  What have I missed?
> A few more questions:
>  - If I omit <transport-guarantee>, does it default to NONE?
>  - Is it possible to use * for <http-method> to specify that all HTTP
> methods are to be subject to security?
>  - I would like to use a numeric column in the database to 
> store the user
> authentication level, rather than a text string.  Can the 
> JDBC realm be set
> up to work this way?
>  - I found very little documentation regarding form-based 
> authentication
> using JDBC realms. Can you point me to some more?
> ... thanks
> Mike
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