To All,


    I am using Apache 1.3.27 and tomcat 3.3.  I am running this on
Windows XP.  I am trying to get Apache and Tomcat to work together
unfortunately I keep running into an issue.  Here are the symptoms.
When I compile the examples JSP pages using Tomcat (port 8080)
everything compiles fine.  However when I try and compile them using
Apache with Tomcat I get a fatal OS exception from Apache.  This does
not occur for static pages.  By the way I am aware of the Windows XP bug
documented on the Apache and Windows site.  I have a Windows XP SP 1
installed and the file mentioned in the documentation shows to be of a
later date code so I assume this is okay.  Unfortunately the application
I am working with requires Apache 1.3.x it does not support Apache 2.x.
The Apache error file is as follows. 


Mon May 10 01:38:29 2004] [info] master_main: Child processed exited
prematurely. Restarting the child process.

[Mon May 10 01:38:29 2004] [info] Parent: Created child process 2888

[Mon May 10 01:38:29 2004] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 192 and
sending it to child process 2888

[Mon May 10 01:38:29 2004] [info] BytesRead = 372 WSAProtocolInfo =

[Mon May 10 01:38:33 2004] [info] master_main: Child processed exited
prematurely. Restarting the child process.

[Mon May 10 01:38:33 2004] [info] Parent: Created child process 524

[Mon May 10 01:38:33 2004] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 192 and
sending it to child process 524

[Mon May 10 01:38:33 2004] [info] BytesRead = 372 WSAProtocolInfo =


Any help will be greatly appreciated.  


Joaquin J. Martinez de Pinillos

Anteon Corporation

(o) 703 253 3425

(f)  703 253 3690

(m) 703 980 8827


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