Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, since it seems important for William --
and eventually it's an important capability, I don't want to mislead anyone.

William Wishon wrote:

> Here's the problem I keep running up against.
>         The top level XML element is a Server, it contains a ContextManager.    The
> ContextManager contains both the Connector, which defines the port to listen
> on, and the Context entries at the same level.  How do I associate
> particular contexts with particular Connectors?  Right now I seem only able
> to have one servlet context that maps to "/".  I really should be able to
> have two servlets that map to "/", one "/" for port 8080 and one "/" for
> port 8081.

In Tomcat 3.3, you can setup two different ContextManager's, so each will listen to a
different port. I believe it should be the same in 3.2.1?

>         I also want the default servlet mappings turned off so that I am no longer
> able to access the servlets as "/webapp_name/" when tomcat starts and finds
> a war file named "webapp_name".  I only want Tomcat to serve the servlets
> that I setup explicitly in server.xml.

I'm at a loss here. Isn't web.xml the file that sets servlets up?

[snip -- apache configuration here]

> That gives me a different document root for each port.  What I want from
> Tomcat is a different servlet to handle requests on each port.

With two ContextManager's you should be able to do what you want; I haven't tried it,

Un saludo,


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