never mind, I solved my own problem. I took the servlet config out of the global web.xml and stuck it into my ROOT web.xml and now it works. I noted that Tomcat was producing a cgi-bin mapping for all of my webapps, not just the root one as I'd intended. Now that I recall that the global web.xml is defined for all webapps, it's clear, but it's placement there is, I think, a little weird, considering the behaviour produced is not of the conventional form (ie all cgi scripts under /cgi-bin instead of <webapp1>/cgi-bin, <webapp2>/cgi-bin, etc).

On 03/05/2004, at 12:10 PM, Michael Eastwood wrote:


I'm having trouble executing a Perl CGI under Tomcat 5.0.19 standalone.

I've set up the global web.xml as per instructions in the CGI how-to, and renamed the appropriate jar file. I've put my perl CGI scripts into the default /WEB-INF/cgi directory, and made sure they're executable. I can run the scripts in that directory with ./<script>

When I go to /cgi-bin/<script>, however, my browser starts a download that blocks indefinitely. My CPU goes up by around 10%, so something is happening, but no perl process appears in my process list and nothing ever arrives at the browser.

Any ideas?

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