In upgrading my webapp from using Tomcat 4 (JSP 1.2) to Tomcat 5 (JSP 2.0) I'm seeing some errors in some of the JSP pages. I have jsp actions like:
<jsp:useBean id="locale" class="java.util.Locale" scope="request"/>
where in the Java code prior to invoking the JSP I put the "locale" Locale object in the request e.g. request.setAttribute("locale", myLocale);
This works fine under Tomcat 4 but now in Tomcat 5 it complains with some class instantiation exception. Is there something special I need to do? Also will it be backward compatible with JSP 1.2? It seems using the following scriplet does work:
<% Locale locale = request.getAttribute("locale") %>
but I would rather use the useBean syntax.
Thanks, Jason
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me i use
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
<fmt:setLocale value="${sessionScope.locale}" scope="session"/>
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