Ok, this is driving me nuts...

I have a webapp running on tomcat 5.0.19. In the web.xml file, I have servlet mappings for all my servlets. All my servlets behave properly except for a new one i just deployed. Here's it's web.xml entry:


The jave class file itself is deployed correctly at *webapp_root*/WEB-INF/classes/com/Optima/Results/MobileServlets/RequestMobileID.class

However, when I point my browser to http://myhost/webapp_root/RequestMobileID, i get a requested resource unavailable 404 error. what gives? could tomcat be somehow caching my old web.xml before i added this entry or something? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Matt Tucker

cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

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