On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 04:01:30PM -0400, Parker, Mike wrote:
: I have seen in a tutorial:
: http://www.dougsparling.com/comp/howto/Ent...ux-HOWTO-4.html

Could you provide the full URL, please?
It would be easier to see what may have gone wrong if the rest of us can
see all of the steps you took.

You should also list which versions of Tomcat and the JDK you're

: I took the helloJava.class file, and put it in the classes
: ($CAT_HOME/webapps/sparling/WEB-INF/classes ) directory.

If you're running Tomcat 5, you'll have to put the class in a pacakge.
This will not work as-is.

: The instructions said that now I can run this servlett by going to :
: http://localhost:8080/sparling/servlet/HelloWorld

Chances are, your instructions assume the invoker servlet is loaded.
It's off by default in Tomcat 5, and (IIRC think) Tomcat 4.1.

Check out Sun's servlet spec for how to use a web.xml file that maps
servlet classes to URIs.  That should solve the problem.



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