Hallo all,

We are having problems, where aparently Tomcat sort of "hangs" apache. Lets first discribe the setup:

Server runs IBM AIX 5
Tomcat is version 4.1.27
Apache is version 2.0.47
Java is IBM's own 64 bit JDK 1.4.1
mod_jk2 is used.

We run several virtual hosts on the apache server. There are three instances of tomcat running, for three different virtual apache hosts. Apache communicates with these instances on tcp sockets, using mod_jk2.

Every _monday_ morning I am presented with the following situation.

- The Apache server has stopped accepting connections. The number of daemons is maxclients +1.
- The Tomcat servers function normally. Connecting with a browser to their http ports does produce the expected results, within the expected time.
- Restarting one of the tomcat servers solves the problem. The Apache server becomes "unstuck", and starts accepting connections again. The number of apache daemons drops to around 20 or so, and that is normal for the load.

I currently run a couple of scripts to watch what happens on the system, as the logfiles do not give me any clue. I notice that always, somehwere during Saturday, the number of apache daemons starts to increase, to the point that the maximum is reached, then it stops. The weird thing is that these servers are intranet servers, so nobody is actually using them during the weekend. I find nothing (no accesses) in the logifles.

I ahve no idea where to start on this, what might cause this problem, how to find out more. Has anyobody here on the list seen similar behaviour? Any hints on how I might to start finding out what is happening here would be more then welcome.

Krist van Besien

Krist van Besien                                       Bern, Switzerland

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