On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 01:49:18PM -0400, Zollinhofer, Matt wrote:
: The last part of the tutorial is creating custom tags, and when I
: implement that part of the tutorial, I receive a
: javax.servlet.ServletException:
: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo.<init>(...) exception.  Googling the
: error didn't turn up any seemingly useful information, and the end of
: the article also did not show anyone else having the same issue.  

: <!--   <b>Welcome : <%= request.getAttribute("USER")%></b> -->
:    <b><onjava:hello /> : <%= request.getAttribute("USER") %></b>

What's the full stack trace?

Barring that, I'll take a stab in the dark: does the custom tag take an
argument, either as body content or an attribute? e.g.

        <onjava:hello> <%= ... %> </onjava:hello>




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