On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 06:52:37PM -0700, Mike Pakrer wrote:
: I am attempting to use md_jk2, Tomcat5.0.19 , Ant
: 1.6.1 , and Apache 2

Which OS and JDK?
-and how did you install Ant?  (tarball, RPM, etc.)

Check ${HOME}/.antrc to confirm that the $ANT_HOME declared there points
to the proper place.  Also, check the current $ANT_HOME in your shell

There may also be an antrc or ant.conf file in /etc somewhere.  I recall
once than an Ant RPM left such a file and caused quite the runaround...

I point at this just because I have Ant 1.6.1 working out of the box, so
I'd be wary of touching any files.

: I am told through various tutorials that
: I need all of these working together to be able to run
: jsp pages.

Not true.  All you need to run JSPs is:

        1/ a properly configured container (say, Tomcat)
        2/ a text editor

Please, that's not a stab at you; I just get frustrated when I see
tutorials throw the kitchen sink at someone.

Ant will make your life easier as you start doing more Java work, and
Apache/mod_jk(2) may help in the long run, but they are certainly not
required to get started with basic JSP/servlet work.



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