Yes! I posted this the 10-12-2003:
- - - - -
Having played around with Tomcat 5 recently I discovered it apparently 
used the jvm.dll installed as part of the public JRE.
I uninstalled the public JRE (leaving the SDK including its JRE intact) 
and learned Tomcat would neither start nor was configurable. I tried 
various setting in the Windows registry but was unable to bring it back 

My question is thus: Is the public JRE really neccessary for Tomcat to 
run? How do I then specify I want to use server jvm, which 4.1.27 seemed 
to use default?

And yes I have Googled, RTFM and looked in previous postings...

- - - - -

I had no answers though and "solved" the problem by installing the public 
JRE and copying the server jvm files to the publoic JRE.
Still I think this is somewhat tedious and not quite satisfying...


19-05-2004 14:15
Besvar venligst til "Tomcat Users List"

        Til:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Vedr.:  Say it ain't so...  (JRE needed to run Tomcat as a service on win2k)

I've just been handed this link:

I personally have installed Tocmat on both windows and linux boxes and 
had a problem but we had a client with an issue who was able to solve it 
installing the JRE as well as the SDK.

I've searched the archives to this list as well as looking at open Tomcat 
and don't see anything on the subject.  Has anyone on this list dealt with 

this problem? 

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