Hi everyone,


            I have a web application that I am running on Tomcat 4.1.24.
This web application consists of some JSPs, some Servlets and some Tag
Libraries.  I did some testing using Jmeter where I logged the results with
PerfMon in Windows XP.  I noticed that the average CPU usage grows linearly
as time goes by.  For example, if I let the test run for about 16 hours, the
avg CPU goes from 10% to about 40%.  I also notice that the Page file bytes
increases with time.  All the other counters that I logged look ok.


            The web application that I am using uses the httpsession to
store information.  I know that the session timeout is 30 minutes on the
Tomcat server that I am running.  Is it possible that this might be causing
this increase in average CPU?  Can anyone suggest any reasons why this might
be happening?  I've never seen the average CPU to grow before so I am
baffled by this.


            Any help would be greatly appreciated.


            Thank you,



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