If a class needs to be accessed by both server components and web apps,
it must be in the common classloader.  The classes in the common class
loader are all in $CATALINA_HOME.  $CATALINA_BASE is for instance
specific information, and the shared class loader is for classes that
only need to be available to web apps (not server components); all
$CATALINA_BASEs share the same server classes.  The unpredictable
behavior mentioned is that the classloaders that web apps use do not
necessarily delegate to their parents (ie, by default they prioritize
the local version of a class), which means you might get nasty class
definition errors if you put copies of the same classes in, say,
shared/lib and server/lib.

Benjamin J. Armintor
Systems Analyst
ITS-Systems: Mainframe Group
University of Texas - Austin
tele: (512) 232-6562

-----Original Message-----
From: CARROLL, Chris, FM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5: Location of 3rd party JNDI datasource jars in
$CATALINA _HOME/common/lib

Hi all,

This probably a simple question but I cannot find any answer to this in
the FAQ or buglist.  Why is it that the required jars for 3rd party JNDI
datasource (such as JDBC pools) have to be placed in
$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib?  Why does the Tomcat instance not use
$CATALINA_BASE/[common|shared]/lib instead?  I've tried various
different ways but the only one that works is the CATALINA_HOME

>From the JNDI Datasource HOW-TO:
"NOTE:  Third Party drivers should be in jarfiles, not zipfiles. Tomcat
only adds $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar to the classpath. 
NOTE: Do not install these jarfiles in your /WEB-INF/lib, or
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext, or anywhere else. You will experience problems
if you install them anyplace other than $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib."

There may be something blindingly obvious that I am missing here but it
seems to mean that you can only have a partially shared tomcat
installation. Resource jars from the different instances have to be
placed in the CATALINA_HOME "common" area somewhat negating the benefits
of using a separate server via CATALINA_BASE.


Chris Carroll

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