I think that this is the first time I've ever heard that the 3.3.1a
stand-alone connector worked better than the AJP13 connector ;-).

There is a session race-condition bug in 3.3.1a (BZ #15894) that is fixed in
3.3.2.  It is possible that this is the real problem you are seeing, and it
is only showing up with the AJP13 connector because you are hitting Tomcat
harder in that configuration.  However, I'm just guessing here :).

Otherwise, you'll need to provide more information for anyone to have a shot
at figuring out the problem.  This would include things like:
1) are the broken requests reaching Apache? (from the Apache access logs)
2) are the broken requests reaching Tomcat? (enable the acces log on Tomcat,
mod_jk logs).
3) is the session cookie reaching Tomcat (set 'debug="1"' on the SessionID
element in server.xml).

"Dirk Slootmaekers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hello All,
> We've developped a J2EE web based application, using Tomcat as a
> application container.
> When we only work on tomcat, the application works fine. If we add the
> apache web server, for performance improvement, the application becomes
> unstable.
> After a while the session is apparently thrown away, so what ever action
> you do in the browser it is ignored ea not excuted. It is not that all
> the users suffer from this at once, but some of the users (after a while
> working with the application) are not responding anymore.
> We're using tomcat 3.3.1a, with Apache 2.0.46 (with the mod_jk dll for
> 2.0.46)
> with the following settings in the httpd.conf
> MaxKeepAliveRequest = 0
> KeepAliveTimeOut = 100
> ThreadsPerChild = 1024
> MaxRequestsPerChild = 0
> we also use pushlets to realtime publish events to our toolbar.
> can somebody assist us in this issue? since we really have no clue why
> the application is working perfectly with tomcat standalone, but when we
> add the apache webserver it freezes sessions after a while?
> is it possible that this has anything to do with the window.open command
> getting fired to often?
> if somebody could help me?
> thanks
> Dirk

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