> This is probably related to the subject configuration. Can you create
> small test case that reproduce the problem? I will be able to better
> what's happening.

I have tried to compose a simple test which simulates the real thing,
but I did not succeed to reproduce the error. For simplicity reason of
the test code all my classes, except the servlet class which was in the
webapps, are placed in the {$CATALINA_HOME}/shared/classes. All code in 
the shared/classes has AllPermissions according to the catalina.policy. 

When I was sure that everything works fine with the tests I tried same
approach on the original code (as Filip Hanik already suggested but not
server/classes because ClassNotFound error). I have moved all code
concerning security  (implementations of Policy, Permissions, User
groups, Log. Module, etc.) to the {$CATALINA_HOME}/shared/classes and
gave AllPermissions to this code source through my security system. In
webapps I have left only servlet class that use security. Now it works
perfectly. Maybe problem is in the class loader (/shared/classes is
served with different class loader than /webapps ?!)

Best regards


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