Sorry I was wrong (it's been a while ...). You don't really need to import the pkcs12 format certificate into a keystore, the .pfx you generated earlier *is* the keystore in pkcs12 format.

Now you only need to configure tomcat to recognize the keystore. See for details. Specifically, you will need to add keystoreType="PKCS12" attribute in your SSL Connector among a whole bunch of others.

On 5/25/2004 1:21 PM, Chris Purcell wrote:

I want to make sure we're on the same page here.  I have a certificate
that looks like this...


I copied it to a plain text file called domain.cert and then ran this
command and received this below error...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root# /usr/java/bin/keytool -import -file domain.cert
-storetype pkcs12
keytool error: DerInputStream.getLength():
lengthTag=109, too big.

Am I doing this right?


I saw your original post but forgot to reply ...

You can use keytool to import the certificate using pkcs12 certificate
store  (add a '-storetype pkcs12' to keytool's arguments), which is
supported by tomcat.

Also, if your certificate is signed by an intermediate CA (meaning more
than 2  certs on the chain), you will have to give each cert an alias
name when you  export it from openssl, otherwise the keytool won't
recognize the chain. This  really took me a while to figure out ...



On 5/25/2004 12:30 PM, Chris Purcell wrote:
Thanks for the link Jim, I'm just getting around to this certificate
now, I got swamped with some extra work that I had to complete first.
I looked at the link you sent, but there is a small problem, I don't
know anything about Java:)  What do I do with the source code given on
the page?  Should I copy it into a text file and run it with the java
command?  The only programming language I'm familiar with is Perl.


Hi Chris-

I had to do this myself a month ago.

You can't use Sun's keytool to import private keys into keystores.
You'll need to use something else to load the private key and
corresponding cert into a keystore which Tomcat can then read.

See the program and notes at -

  will explain how to use openssl to convert an existing private key

cert into a format that can then be loaded (using source code they
provide) into a Java JKS keystore.

Let me know if you need more details.


Chris Purcell wrote:

I have an Apache server with an SSL certificate installed from a CA.
Its just a plain text certificate that looks like this..


I want to move this certificate to a new server that only runs
Tomcat in standalone mode.   I tried to convert it like this (below)
but am getting an error...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cert# openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey host-privkey.pem -in
server.cert -out
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cert# /usr/java/bin/keytool -import -file Enter keystore password: changeit
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate

Am I doing something wrong here?


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