As I've stated in both my previous messages I've tried both and jk1 is
the one I really want to get to work.

On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 01:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You've built jk2. that's ok. Your load instruction is not correct.
> your httpc.conf contains LoadModule jk_module modules/
> instead of    LoadModule jk2_module modules/
> The set of instructions I send to you must work.

It does under VERY low load.  With any reasonable load I get "Broken
Pipe" messages in the tomcat log and pages that just never load.  Again,
this is a known issue that doesn't appear to have a resolution yet.

> You are using apache 2 and jk2. And the instructions you set
> are for jk (not jk2)

No, I'm using jk1.  I'm well aware of the difference. I've used both and
I've never gotten jk2 to work reliably under Linux or Solaris.  That's
why I would prefer jk1.  I only replied to you about jk2 because you
said that's what you're using.  My original message clearly states that
I've tried both.  I have a and a,
and I have verified that I'm loading jk2/jk1 when I think I am (by the
log files) and that deleting the applicable .properties prevents apache
from starting.

> Barry Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 26/05/2004 17:54
> Veuillez rÃpondre à "Tomcat Users List"
>         Pour :  Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         cc :
>         Objet : Re: RÃf. : mod_jk error with Apache 2.0.49
> What do you mean the "right" one?  I built jk2 from the
> jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz tarball.  Is that
> "right"?
> The problem I'm having with jk2 is a known issue
> (  I would love
> to see that one figured out, but right now I would settle for just
> getting jk1 to work.
> I compiled a modified and inside get_map (jk_map.c) the
> jk_map_t* passed in is null.  That's why there's no worker found.  I
> haven't had time to try and figure out what could cause it to be null.
> Thanks,
> Barry
> On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 01:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > Barry,
> >
> > make sure you have built the right jk module.
> >
> > I've exactly the same config than you.
> > Redhat ES 3.0, apache 2.0.49 jk2 and jboss 3.2.3 that
> > comes with tomcat 3.2.3
> >
> > my httpd.conf file  contains :
> > LoadModule jk2_module modules/
> > <IfModule mod_jk2.c>
> > JKSet config.file /opt/apachessl-2.0.49/inet/conf/
> > </IfModule>
> >
> > the workers2 file may contains
> > [shm]
> > file=/var/log/apache/inet/jk2.shm
> > [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
> > port=8009
> > host=
> >
> > [ajp13:localhost:8009]
> > channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009
> >
> > # Uri mapping
> >
> > [uri:/apps/*]
> > worker=ajp13:localhost:8009
> >
> > and it works fine.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Meissa SAKHO
> > 01 58 19 45 71. . . . . . . . . . . . (84571)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Barry Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 25/05/2004 21:14
> > Veuillez rÃpondre à "Tomcat Users List"
> >
> >
> >         Pour :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >         cc :
> >         Objet : mod_jk error with Apache 2.0.49
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to get mod_jk working with apache 2.0.49 built from source on
> > RedHat ES 3.0.  I've got the module built and in the modules directory,
> > and my httpd.conf contains:
> >
> > LoadModule jk_module modules/
> >
> > JkWorkersFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/
> > JkLogFile /var/log/mod_jk.log
> > JkLogLevel debug
> > JkMount /apps/* xsappa
> > JkMount /admin xsappa
> >
> > This is towards the top of the file outside of any <virtualhost> or
> > <directory> elements (I have also tried putting this at the bottom of
> > the file).
> >
> > My is:
> >
> >
> > worker.list=xsappa
> >
> > worker.xsappa.port=139
> >
> > worker.xsappa.type=ajp13
> > worker.xsappa.lbfactor=1
> >
> > Every time I try to hit a servlet or jsp I get the following in my
> > mod_jk.log:
> > [Tue May 25 12:45:38 2004]  [jk_worker.c (136)]: wc_get_worker_for_name,
> > done did not found a worker
> >
> > And of course a 500 in the browser.
> >
> > The tomcat server works fine.  I can put jk2 into the web server and it
> > mostly works (I get "Broken Pipe" exceptions when I KNOW it's not a user
> > pressing cancel in the browser, but that's another issue).  I can hit
> > the tomcat server on port 8080 and it's just fine.
> >
> > I can't use jk2 because of the spurious broken pipes, and now I can't
> > get jk1 working at all.  I have this suspicion that I'm missing
> > something obvious, but I can't find it.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Barry Roberts
> >
> >
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