I found the cause of the unfriendly documentation.  Certain examples,
imbedded between <pre> </pre> tags are consuming too much horizontal space.
Not only does this cause truncation on the right margin while printing, it
also causes unnecessary horizontal scrolling.

The obvious fix is to reformat the examples, placing a single attribute on
each line.  Not only does this fix my problem, it also improves the
productivity of administrators who use the examples as templates (copy,
paste, modify, repeat as needed).

I am happy to do the work, but I need two more hints.

1) Please point me to a good CVS client or Diff utility that will generate a
suitable Diff file on my Windows XP Pro workstation.  My web search found
too many choices and insufficient information for making a choice.

2) Please tell me how to generate the HTML files from the documentation XML
source.  I would like to test my changes before I submit the updates.

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