I running Tomcat 3.2.1 on Linux and when I look at the Jasper log file it
shows a classpath for each JSP page that includes the WEB-INF/classes and
all of the jar files in WEB-INF/lib.

This is great, but it doesn't seem like that classpath is available to the
javabeans that my JSPs use.  Does that make sense?  Is the classpath only
setup for the JSPs (and if not, why does Jasper report the classpath setting
for each JSP page invoked?)?

I've found that I have to include the same JAR files in the classpath when I
start tomcat so that the beans can also find those classes.  Is that the
only way to do it, or should my beans be able to use the same classpath
shown by Jasper built from the WEB-INF contents?


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