 this is reply to your second query. U have to use <Logger> tag in server.xml and in 
ServletContext context;

Asim Ghosh

Gabi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Trying to pass from resin to apache, in resin Coonection='jdbc:bla bla...'/> I've put 
the equivalent in /WEB-INF/web-xml


"jdbc:bla bla..."

But the servlet response is a NullPointer, I think it's not taking the value
from the session (HttpSession object). What am I doing wrong?

The second question is that in the servlet I put a
System.err.println("...."), I've the same server.xml like the default
/examples but using my webapp in change of /examples, so I've search in
catalina.out and all the localhost_admin... local_host_examples, I think
I've search in all the defined logs files but I don't find the line I've
print with System.err, do I've to put something more specific in web.xml or
something similar?

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