Here goes ----

Tomcat installaion on Red Hat Version 9 intermitnently stops
Responding.  I'm the Linux admin not the developer.  The developer 
swears up and down its not his application causing the problem.
In fact the same application runs on Red Hat version 8 without 
a problem.

Using: Tomcat 4.1
       Red Hat 9 
       Kernel 2.4.20-9

It appears that tomcat was installed via RPM
Version     : 4.1.18  Vendor: JPackage Project
Release     : le.1jpp

Can someone suggest how I can troubleshoot the problem.

Right now, I have a perl script attempting to conncet to the 
tomcat server. If the server does not reposnd in 10 seconds 
it kiils the PID and restarts the server.  Not A good solution 
and not a great work around either, I really need to track  
down the problem.

tomcat4   2859  0.0  3.0 244856 15856 ?      S    Jun02   0:15
/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1/bin/java -Djava.endorsed.dirs= -classpath
-Dcatalina.base=/var/tomcat4 -Dcatalina.home=/var/tomcat4 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstr


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