
Thanks for the post, good ideas I'm going to try them.
 One thing I'm still not clear on.  My application is
configured to deploy shared modules (jar files) under

If I create multiple instances, how do I configure the
apps to share the correct version of

Do you create a separate document root that contains a
shared/lib for each <Service> entry in the server.xml


--- Dan Barron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jon,
> I run multiple tomcat services on a Linux box with
> Apache for various 
> development and distributions.  The way I went about
> it is to setup 
> multiple <Service> configurations within the
> server.xml file. Each service 
> has it own port for connectivity and its own worker
> for mod_jk.  I create a 
> virtual host entry in mod_jk.conf file which mounts
> the assigned worker 
> which in turn points to the specific tomcat service.
>  Here's the three 
> files I touch to make it work and an example entry. 
> My environment is 
> Tomcat 4.1.29, mod_jk, and Apache 1.3.27.
> Hope this helps.
> Dan
> *****FILE:mod_jk.conf
> # domain.com Virtual Host Definition
> <VirtualHost>
>      ServerName www.domain.com
>      DocumentRoot /usr/www/domain.com
>      ErrorLog logs/domain.com/error_log
>      CustomLog logs/domain.com/access_log common
>     ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
> "/usr/www/domain.com/cgi-bin/"
>     <Directory "/usr/www/domain.com/cgi-bin">
>          AllowOverride None
>          Options None
>          Order allow,deny
>          Allow from all
>      </Directory>
>     JkMount /servlet/* domain_worker
>     JkMount /alpha/*.jsp domain_worker
>     JkMount /*.jsp domain_worker
> </VirtualHost>
> ******FILE: workers.properties
> worker.list=ajp13, domain_worker
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> worker.ajp13.host=localhost
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.lbfactor=20
> worker.ajp13.cachesize=20
> worker.domain_worker.port=8010
> worker.domain_worker.host=localhost
> worker.domain_worker.type=ajp13
> worker.domain_worker.lbfactor=20
> worker.domain_worker.cachesize=20
> *****FILE:server.xml
> <Server...>
>      ...
>    <Service name="domain">
>       <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on
> port 8081 -->
>      <Connector
>                 port="8081" minProcessors="5"
> maxProcessors="75"
>                 enableLookups="true"
> redirectPort="8443"
>                 acceptCount="10" debug="0"
> connectionTimeout="60000"/>
>      <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8010
> -->
>      <Connector
> className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
>                 port="8010" minProcessors="5"
> maxProcessors="75"
>                 acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
>     <!-- Define the top level container in our
> container hierarchy -->
>      <Engine name="domain"
> defaultHost="www.domain.com" debug="0">
>        <!-- Global logger unless overridden at lower
> levels -->
>        <Logger
> className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>                prefix="catalina_domain_log."
> suffix=".txt"
>                timestamp="true"/>
>        <!-- Because this Realm is here, an instance
> will be shared globally -->
>        <Realm
> className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
>        <!-- Define the default virtual host -->
>        <Host name="www.domain.com" debug="0"
> appBase="webapps/domain.com"
>         unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
>          <Valve
>                   directory="logs" 
> prefix="domain_access_log." suffix=".txt"
>                   pattern="common"/>
>          <Logger
> className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>                   directory="logs" 
> prefix="domain_log." suffix=".txt"
>                  timestamp="true"/>
>          <!-- domain Root Context -->
>          <Context path="" docBase="" debug="0"/>
>        </Host>
>      </Engine>
>    </Service>
> </Server>
> At 05:26 PM 6/18/2004, Jon Feauto wrote:
> >I see this question posted quite often, but rarely
> >answers abound.  Is it because this is too complex
> a
> >topic to explain in a user group?
> >
> >I would think it is fairly common, anyone have
> ideas?
> >
> >Jon
> >
> >
> >--- Jon Feauto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I'm certain I am behind the curve on this one,
> but
> > > I've been looking around for several days now
> and
> > > haven't found the answers I need.
> > >
> > > I'm looking to setup multiple environments for
> > > Tomcat
> > > 4x on a single linux server.  One for each
> developer
> > > and several others for different versions of
> test.
> > >
> > > From the mail list archives I've come to
> understand
> > > that CATALINA_BASE can be used to configure
> multiple
> > > instances.  However, most examples I've seen use
> > > this
> > > in coordination with multiple server.xml files.
> > >
> > > I'm hoping there is a trick to this that I'm
> > > missing.
> > > I don't mind the extra configuration as long as
> that
> > > is the recommended approach.
> > >
> > > For an installation supporting a linux service,
> does
> > > the /etc/init.d/tomcat4 script need to be
> modified
> > > to
> > > set the CATALINA_BASE for each instance started?
> > >
> > > Do I need to use different port numbers to
> access
> > > those instances?
> > >
> > > Is the CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib actually
> "shared"
> > > across instances or can it be unique to an
> instance
> > > according to CATALINA_BASE?
> > >
=== message truncated ===

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