jk file mod_jk.conf it is like this

JkMount /*.jsp worker
JkMount /*.htm worker
JkMount /*.<whatever ext you want - just not *.php or *>

jk2 file workers2.properties you would do something like

[uri:/*.<whatever ext you want - just not *.php or *>]

hope this helps.

At 08:25 AM 6/24/2004, James Sherwood wrote:
    I have posted this problem before to no avail and thought I would try

I have apache 2.049 in front of tomcat 5.025 and they are linked with modjk

I want everything for a site such as www.mydomain.com to go through tomcat
for any php pages.

Is there a way I can JkMount everything BUT something?

Basically I want to mount everything EXCEPT url's ending in .php

Thanks in advance

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