We do something similar to authenticate against active directory. The way we do it is 
to have a generic log in, the application logs in and searches for what in your case 
would be the namsid using the uid as a parameter. You then need to bind with the 
namsid that you've looked up and the password to determine authentication.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 June 2004 21:55
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: re: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search

Our ldap dn is namsid=number,ou=school,o=school

The problem is that the student don't know their namsid, they know their 

I need a way for tomcat to first do a search, looking for anything where 
uid=netid (which is what the student passed in), then use that entries 
dn to bind and verify the password that was also entered.

Is there anyway to do this in Tomcat?

I have the authentication working if the person known their namsid, but 
few people will as it is used internally.

Thank you.

"Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery." Fulton Sheen
James Black    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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