I am trying to understand the behavior of sendRedirect().  The Servlet
Spec states:

The sendRedirect method will set the appropriate headers and content
body to direct the
client to a different URL. It is legal to call this method with a
relative URL path, however the
underlying container must translate the relative path to a fully
qualified URL for transmission back
to the client. If a partial URL is given and, for whatever reason,
cannot be converted into a valid
URL, then this method must throw an IllegalArgumentException.

What I find somewhat ambiguous is the line "the underlying container
must translate the relative path to a fully qualified URL".  Does this
the container should insert the context path in the URL?  That is,
suppose I have an application whose root is /Test.  In my code, I do the


Should the address sent to the client be:

A) http://myserver/ReallyATest
B) http://myserver/Test/ReallyATest

It seems that Apache follows A.  It does not insert the context path.
However, I am also using IBM WebSphere 3.5 and it does B!  So, which is
the right one?

For now, I will use the following work around for portability:

response.sendRedirect(request.getRemoteHost() + request.getContextPath()
+ "ReallyATest");



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