Eulogio Robles wrote:

I am migrating an application from Tomcat 4 to JBoss 4.2.4. It is being used from with Apache 2/JK2.
However it is failing because request.getRemoteUser() is returning null in some password protected pages. All the auth configuratoion (login and passwords) is based on Apache.

The problem was solved in Tomcat4 by adding a line on $tomcat_home/conf/ (request.tomcatAuthentication=false), but I have been unable to get the same result on JBoss.

Please any hint?

Is JBoss/Tomcat seeing your "jk2.config"? It might be in a different place with JBoss' as a wrapper.

Test it - add some garble to "jk2.config" and see if Tomcat complains.


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