i.e., RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispathcer("/servlets/my-servlet-classname");
Tim Funk wrote:
This is all wrong. You need to get a RequestDispatcher via:
<jsp:include> or <jsp:forward>
-- or --
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispathcer(myPath); rd.include(request, response);
M.Hockings wrote:
What I want to do is to include a servlet in a .JSP. For reasons that I won't go into please assume that in the environment that I wish this to run I cannot define a named servlet nor can I load by classname.
A simplified version of what I have been doing is below:
<% Class c = Class.forName("name-of-the-servlet-class"); Servlet s = (Servlet) c.newInstance(); s.init(this.getServletConfig()); s.service(request, response); %>
This sorta works. That is, it will load and run the servlet and the output from the servlet is deliverd to the browser. But if the called servlet class includes a .JSP then the output of that .JSP is never seen though if debugged it does run OK and produces output. The servlet itself is generated by compiling a .JSP with jspc. What am I missing.
I realize that this inquiry is not strictly Tomcat related but I figure that the people who will have the knowledge answer to my lost output mystery will be here!
Your thoughts on this problem are appreciated.
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