On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:23:51 +0900
Joel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> > Reading around in the pages on context and host and Connector, etc., I
> > am feeling a little dense. My search skills at marc don't seem to be up
> > to this, either.
> > 
> > Where should I look to figure out how to set Tomcat to have Xindice
> > listen and serve as a webapp on port 8888?
> It looks like I need to open port 8888 using a Connector in the global
> server.xml

Borrowing from what appears to be the main connector declaration in
server.xml, and just leaving out the redirectPort attribute,

    <Connector port="8888"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" acceptCount="100"
               debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" 
               disableUploadTimeout="true" />

and re-start tomcat, and now I can get at xindice from the command line
and from the browser. Xindice's sample addressbook webapp works, too.

That worries me a _little_ because of all the stuff that is said about
how web-app declarations should not be in the global configuaration
files, but I guess openin a port is a sort of a global kind of activity.

Now, let's see if I can figure out how to make the xindice stuff _only_
listen on 8888:

> and then tell the webapp to listen on port 8888 in
>     webapps\xindice\WEB-INF\web.xml
> but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be setting up a valve to do that ...
> (and someone seems to have been worried that web.xml would be
> overwritten when the webapp auto-deploys, ...)
> -- 
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