On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 08:29:49AM +1200, Bret Waldow wrote:
: I would still
: like to hear what the canonical way to persist data for a servlet -
: outside of the servlet .WAR file - is.  Is there one for Tomcat?  I'm
: assuming that someone else besides us might have this need, I just can't
: find anything definitive in the documentation or Google yet.

Does the app otherwise use a database?
If so, it'd be nothing to put the info in an extra table somewhere.

I don't think there's such a thing as a "canonical"/portable way for
this: webapps are supposed to be self-contained, somewhat sealed
products (as far as on-disk files).

The plus side is, this leaves plenty of room for creative solutions.
-or not-so-creative solutions, such as, "put it in a database." ;)



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