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<P>=0A Hi all,<BR>=0A<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I have a pro=
blem&nbsp; using startup script for tomcat in linux.&nbsp; It actually star=
ts <BR>=0Aup when booting up. but then, it says &quot; [Failed]&nbsp; &quot=
; and the reason is <BR>=0A&quot;JAVA_HOME variable not defined correctly. =
This environment variable is&nbsp; <BR>=0Aneccesary for running this progra=
m. &quot;<BR>=0A<BR>=0ABut I have defined the environment variable in my st=
artup script. <BR>=0A<BR>=0AI am using Tomcat 4.1.18 with j2sdk1.4.1_02 in =
redhat linux.<BR>=0Atomcat directory is /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18 an=
d the java directory is /usr/<BR>=0Ajava/j2sdk1.4.1_02<BR>=0A<BR>=0AI place=
d the startup script&nbsp; named; in&nbsp; &quot;/etc/rc.d/=
init.d&quot;<BR>=0A<BR>=0AThe following is my startup script.<BR>=0A<BR>=0A=
#!/bin/bash<BR>=0A#<BR>=0A# Startup script for Jakarta Tomcat<BR>=0A#<BR>=
=0A# chkconfig: 345 84 16<BR>=0A# description: Jakarta Tomcat Java Servlet/=
JSP Container<BR>=0A<BR>=0A<BR>=0A<BR>=0ATOMCAT_HOME=3D/usr/local/jakarta-t=
<BR>=0A<BR>=0A#Necessary environment variables<BR>=0Aexport CATALINA_HOME=
=3D/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18<BR>=0Aexport JAVA_HOME=3D/usr/java/jdk1=
.4.1_02<BR>=0A<BR>=0A# Source function library.<BR>=0A. /etc/rc.d/init.d/fu=
nctions<BR>=0A<BR>=0A# Source networking configuration.<BR>=0A. /etc/syscon=
fig/network<BR>=0A<BR>=0A# Check that networking is up.<BR>=0A[ ${NETWORKIN=
G} =3D &quot;no&quot; ] &amp;&amp; exit 0<BR>=0A<BR>=0A#Check for tomcat sc=
ript<BR>=0Aif [ ! -f $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ ]<BR>=0Athen<BR>=0A&nbsp;=
 &nbsp; echo &quot;Tomcat not available...&quot;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; exit<B=
R>=0Afi<BR>=0A<BR>=0Astart() {<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; echo -n &quot;Starting T=
omcat: &quot;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; daemon $TOMCAT_START<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; =
echo<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; touch /var/lock/subsys/tomcatd<BR>=0A# We may need=
 to sleep here so it will be up for apache<BR>=0A#&nbsp; &nbsp; sleep 5<BR>=
=0A#Instead should check to see if apache is up by looking for<BR>=
=0A}<BR>=0A<BR>=0Astop() {<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; echo -n $&quot;Shutting down=
 Tomcat: &quot;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; daemon $TOMCAT_STOP<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp;=
 rm -f /var/lock/subsys/<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; echo<BR>=0A}<BR>=0A=
<BR>=0Acase &quot;$1&quot; in<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; start)<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp=
; &nbsp; &nbsp; start<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ;;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nb=
sp;  stop)<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; stop<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp=
; &nbsp; ;;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp;  restart)<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;=
 stop<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; sleep 3<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; =
&nbsp; start<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ;;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp;  *)<B=
R>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; echo &quot;Usage: tomcatd {start|stop|rest=
art}&quot;<BR>=0A&nbsp; &nbsp;  exit 1<BR>=0Aesac<BR>=0A<BR>=0ACan anyone h=
elp me out?. <BR>=0A<BR>=0AThanks in advance,<BR>=0Akamaleshwaran sivalinga=
m<BR>=0A=0A</P>=0A<br><br>=0A<A target=3D"_blank" HREF=3D""><IMG SRC=3D"
ia/ads/adstream_nx.cgi/[EMAIL PROTECTED]" BORDER=3D0 VSPA=
CE=3D0 HSPACE=3D0></a>=0A
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 Hi all,=0A=0A          I have a problem  using startup script for tomcat i=
n linux.  It actually starts =0Aup when booting up. but then, it says " [Fa=
iled]  " and the reason is =0A"JAVA_HOME variable not defined correctly. Th=
is environment variable is  =0Aneccesary for running this program. "=0A=0AB=
ut I have defined the environment variable in my startup script. =0A=0AI am=
 using Tomcat 4.1.18 with j2sdk1.4.1_02 in redhat linux.=0Atomcat directory=
 is /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18 and the java directory is /usr/=0Ajava=
/j2sdk1.4.1_02=0A=0AI placed the startup script  named  in  "/et=
c/rc.d/init.d"=0A=0AThe following is my startup script.=0A=0A#!/bin/bash=0A=
#=0A# Startup script for Jakarta Tomcat=0A#=0A# chkconfig: 345 84 16=0A# de=
scription: Jakarta Tomcat Java Servlet/JSP Container=0A=0A=0A=0ATOMCAT_HOME=
bin/ environment variables=0Aexport CATALINA_HOM=
E=3D/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18=0Aexport JAVA_HOME=3D/usr/java/jdk1.4.=
1_02=0A=0A# Source function library.=0A. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions=0A=0A# =
Source networking configuration.=0A. /etc/sysconfig/network=0A=0A# Check th=
at networking is up.=0A[ ${NETWORKING} =3D "no" ] && exit 0=0A=0A#Check for=
 tomcat script=0Aif [ ! -f $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ ]=0Athen=0A    echo=
 "Tomcat not available..."=0A    exit=0Afi=0A=0Astart() {=0A    echo -n "St=
arting Tomcat: "=0A    daemon $TOMCAT_START=0A    echo=0A    touch /var/loc=
k/subsys/tomcatd=0A# We may need to sleep here so it will be up for apache=
=0A#    sleep 5=0A#Instead should check to see if apache is up by looking f=
or}=0A=0Astop() {=0A    echo -n $"Shutting down Tomcat: "=0A   =
 daemon $TOMCAT_STOP=0A    rm -f /var/lock/subsys/    echo=0A=
}=0A=0Acase "$1" in=0A    start)=0A        start=0A        ;;=0A     stop)=
=0A        stop=0A        ;;=0A     restart)=0A        stop=0A        sleep=
 3=0A        start=0A        ;;=0A     *)=0A        echo "Usage: tomcatd {s=
tart|stop|restart}"=0A     exit 1=0Aesac=0A=0ACan anyone help me out?. =0A=
=0AThanks in advance,=0Akamaleshwaran sivalingam=0A

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