Hi all!                                                                                
I'm pretty new with all of this, so please bear with me on this one..                  
I currently have tomcat installed using JDK 1.3.1, and all is working well.            
Unfortunately I need to upgrade to JDK 1.4.2, since it has some features which we 
Somehow I got the idea that it would be enough to shutdown tomcat, set JAVA_HOME, 
CLASSPATH and                                                                          
PATH env. variables to the new jdk, and startup tomcat again.                          
However this does not work.                                                            
The catalina.sh script finishes ok, but tomcat hangs.. no http connections to it can 
be carried                                                                             
Both jdks and tomcat was built from the FreeBSD Ports Collection.                      
Am I doing something wrong, or missing something?                                      
Kind Regards                                                                           
Steffen Schumacher                                                                     

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